søndag den 29. juni 2014

Warpspeed Beyond Cutting Edge - World in Flux III

  by ChaosNavigator

Preface (bulletin below):

These bulletin articles are not just some nonchalant copy & paste job - it takes many hours of research, selection, analysis, etc. just to make one of these bulletins. Add 10 years of Deep Politics research experience outside the box and successful prognostics to the condensation while sifting through +300 articles, and you'll get an idea. It's not random either. Anybody in the know can recognize the criterias: breakthrough & breakdown scenarios, cutting through the mainstream lies, anomaly research, revision of our age, protection and self-empowerment, and cutting edge consciousness and tech issues, just to name a few. And some of the news provided are often several days ahead of even most alternative media.

And negative or positive is not the issue: truth and knowledge is. So that we can navigate in the current chaos. Shedding light on darkness is never negative. Light is consciousness and knowledge. And darkness is unconsciousness and ignorance. What some people think is negative can be ascribed to their own psychology mistaking objective facts for their own subjective emotional reaction to those facts. Hence they don't want to look at certain phenomena and will miss out on crucial data enabling them to navigate properly in the darkness, and this is a partial radar blackout, and a dangerous cognitive disability. If you think that you should turn of your radar while flying through a meteor belt just because you don't like the blimps on your radar, I wish you the best of luck. And people react differently - therefore and accordingly by logic; the negativity can in no way exclusively be ascribed to the objective facts but their own preferred 'reality' of excluding any perception of negativity. But because of narcissism and hopium optimism, comfort-zone psychology, new age-denialism, etc. this cognitive handicap equals 'useful idiocy' and complacent ignorance, a convenient advantage for the warmongers and psychopaths, thus ultimately paving the way for the STASI-state.

As a result of elite social perception management, information overload, mainstream disinformation, censorship and widespread fragmentation of conflicting orientations and worldviews, it becomes very difficult for most people to get an overview behind the lame mainstream press, education, and other institutional farms and forms of brainwashing.

'So instead of trying to put some sense to some shape, some logic, into this accumulating mass of information, what they [mainstream media] are trying to do is select information – not according to its relevance but according to its current popularity, current notoriety. 'Tyranny of the moment' means that we concentrate our attention on the headlines, on the good big items, on the television news, on the talk of the town, something which currently is occupying most human minds... Certain elements of reality are at a particular moment swollen artificially, expanded; they occupy all first papers of all newspapers, everybody speaks about them.....The pace of change of reality is mind-boggling and blood-curdling, incapacitating, but I would say that all that is raised to an even higher level by the fact that our catching up with the changes is made even more difficult by the information which rising in such a tremendous pace - even quicker than reality itself. That is a hopeless chase. I think that – not me, I am a very old man, and I don’t have much time left to live but yet – you, the younger generation probably will have to cope with the issue of the greatest invention of them all, which will be the filter which enables you to separate the grain from chaff – the useful from the irrelevant and when seeking such a filter you will be against enormous odds because the whole logic of our consumer society [and elite disinformation] is based precisely on the production of excess so you will have to go against the tide to find this filter.
                                - Zygmunt Bauman

That filter is already here; your observation, logic, knowledge, intuition, discernment, empathy, engagement, ability to see through lies and the deprogramming from the dumbing down, etc. behind much lamestream mainstream disinfo and superficial gloss. And the Internet Reformation itself is providing a new revolutionary narrative in the midst of confusion - if you've got some skills.

C.G. Jung notes in his observations of Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia that most citizens of those nations did not necessarily want the formation of a tyrannical oligarchy, but, they went along with it anyway because they feared for their own comfort and livelihoods.

"One day I passed memorial epitaph for Sophie Scholl in Franz Josef Strasse, and when I saw that she was of the same year of birth as I, and she was executed the same year that I started with Hitler. At that moment I understood that it is no excuse that you are young, but that one probably also could have been able to find out certain things. "
-  Traudl Junge

 Traudl Junge is the very emblem of the majority of the German people during the Second World War, which probably had some degree of presumption, but did not have complete certainty and at least failed to seek out knowledge, which could have led to consideration of facts and thus distancing. Instead, the then 22-year-old Traudl - despite warnings from family and friends – chose to apply for the job as Hitler's secretary, chose to be young, girly, adorable, ignorant.

In our days, "young, girly, adorable, ignorant" would be equal to =  I-pod, I-pad, pop, playstation, Paris Hilton, porn, American Idol, Dancing with The Stars, etc. In other words; egocentrism, narcissism, mindless hedonism, new age-denialism, ignorance, apathy, brutalisation and callousness, etc. At the expense of truth, the people must of course feel 'good' in blissful ignorance. One would do well to think about who is benefitting from this ignorance and who is harmed.

Everything is in flux and revision, and the new paradigm is breaking through the old Truman Show while the elite promotions are trying to keep a lid on this unstoppable breakthrough in human history. Everything we know is wrong and now when we know it millions are awakening by the week.

So here is another snapshot of the incredible moment of absolutely wild and truly revolutionary trailblazing news brought to you by 'ChaosNavigator', not according to the tyranny of the moment of the minority mindfucking the many, but according to the relevance of all behind the lame obfuscations. Be at the cutting edge and get an overview outside mainstream lamestream (the biggest threat to information and truth) while the internet is still operative. A new dawn is already here.


Former CIA Super Spy Robert Steele Wants to Strangle Leviathan With 'Open Source' Governance - Extensive Interview

ISIS declares creation of Islamic state in Middle East, 'new era of international jihad'

Shock: Ukraine Gangster State Calls for 'Nuclear Strikes' (E42)
by RT's The Truthseeker - The Most Hard-hitting Mainstream Not Being Lame Currently Out There:

Top NSA Officials: U.S. Has Turned Into Stasi Germany or Soviet Union 
(as I predicted 10 years ago)

If 10% Of Humanity Turn Bitcoiners, Central Banking Goes Extinct

Worldwide humanitarian vaccination projects are for depopulation

Martin Armstrong Warns Civil Unrest Is Rising Everywhere: “This Won’t End Pretty”
The greatest problem we have is misinformation

It drives and opens doors: Google to sell humanoid robot (VIDEO)

China Builds Its Own Manhattan -- Except It's a Ghost Town (incompetence? hardly..)

Another Ghost Town in China, This Time a Replica of Manhattan

58 Cognitive Biases That Screw Up Everything We Do

The Chaos In Iraq Is By DESIGN (does not go away by 'not giving it attention', on the contrary)

What's happening in Iraq and the rest of the Muslim world is not a Sunni-Shiite civil war. This false view of events is being spread for malicious reasons

ISIS The Deliberate Start of World War III a la Albert Pike? David Icke's Take -  with Luke Rudkowski

Michael Jackson Appears as Hologram at the Billboard Awards … And is Used for Illuminati Agenda (so much freemasonry symbolism is NOT a coincidence)

Your Filthy Smartphone Is Crawling With Your Personal Mix Of Staph, Strep, And Other Passengers

Argentina Government Soon Introducting Big Brother Chip - All Your Records! (Spanish link)

US Army declares war on independent media by sabotaging, blocking and hacking communications

Humanity Still Surprised That ‘Megalomaniacal Pricks’ Decide Everything

Media Disinformation and “Manufactured Dissent”
By Prof James F. Tracy and Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Today’s Oligarch Curtain of Lies, Theft, Death and Destruction Are Exposed As Never Before (by giving it attention, but useful idiots, stockholm syndrom livestock, zombies, and new agers are unattentive)

Ebola, Bioweapons & The Coming Zombie Apolaclypse

Pew Poll: America Is Becoming a Nation of Political Enemies


Analysis: United Nations Assets Will Be Deployed in USA To Resolve “International Crisis” On Border

Zbigniew Brzezinski: The Decline Of The US And The End Of The American Empire


“After America Comes North America,” Gen. Petraeus Boasts
Former general and CIA chief David Petraeus (shown), a key figure in the globalist Council on Foreign Relations and the shadowy Bilderberg network, boasted at a recent conference that the United States of America is set to be merged into the continental regime being erected under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Shock: EPA Employees Asked to Stop Defecating In Office Hallways
Did you ever wonder what it is that government employees actually do?

From Ancient Egypt to Modern America, Spying Has Always Been Used to Crush Dissent

Reality Denial : Apologetics for Western-Imperial Violence
Review of Steven Pinker's Book

Three New Evidences that Obama Is a Fascist

What is Coming… and What We Must Do - The use of money, as we know it today, will be suspended, riots will explode, revolution is coming

Facebook conducted secret psychology experiment on users' emotions
Facebook has conducted a secret massive psychology experiment on its users to find out how they respond to positive and negative messages - without telling participants


‘Fueling Syrian war is last roll of dice for US & it's not working’

Obama Is Bringing Syrian 'Chemical Weapons' to Texas! 4th of July False Flag?

Waging war against Russia, one pipeline at a time - by genius geopolitical Eric Draitser

Mexican military chopper flies into US, shoots at border guards

Quiz: Will You Survive When the SHTF?

Scientists discover new material that makes objects invisible to touch

The Miracle of Tea Tree Oil: 80 Amazing Uses for Survival

When Never EVER to Use Fish Oil - Get That Precious Krill Oil Instead!

Fukushima: No End in Sight for Nuclear Meltdown
RT's Abby Martin speaks with Paul Gunter, reactor oversight director at Beyond Nuclear, discussing the many unanswered questions surrounding the ongoing nuclear crisis at Fukushima Japan

Human or Machine? The Incredibly Life-Like Android Robots From Japan

The truth about giant skeletons in American Indian mounds, and the Smithsonian cover-up

Is Linux leaving Microsoft in the technological dust?

There May Be An Ancient Earth Inside Earth, Say Harvard Scientists

US Army's controversial 'all seeing' surveillance blimps get go-ahead to guard against cruise missiles people - and can spot objects as small as a person 340 MILES away

NASA acknowledging Electric Universe?: New NASA model gives glimpse into the invisible world of electric asteroids


'Invincible mutant super-rats' spreading across the UK

Virtual reality is ready to manipulate your emotions.

Google Conference Interrupted By ‘Killer Robots’ Protest

Entire Country of Yemen Got 'Blacked Out' from Terror Attack On Power Grid!


UK Begins Beta Testing of Cashless Society

All the Governments are Trying to Get Away From Cash

It looks like “Back To the Future” is now here, only over water

Confirmation That The Earth’s Magnetic Pole Is Moving Towards Siberia

The Socialist-Capitalist Alliance: the Fabian Society, the Frankfurt School, and Big Business: Part One

The Socialist-Capitalist Alliance: the Fabian Society, the Frankfurt School, and Big Business: Part Two

30 million slaves in the world today, more than at any other time in history

The Truth About Che Guevara

Monsanto's GMO is Toxic
This study was already published 2 years ago and has now been republished after the agricultural lobby forced them to remove it. Conclusiveness of toxicity data and double standards: Link to article: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0278691514002002 (.pdf below the headline links to the study, in case the following link doesn't work anymore) Link to the study itself: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0278691512005637 (link seems to not work after several minutes. Just click the .pdf below the headline on the link above)

Magickal Kingdom Ultra: Escape From Tomorrow and Sinister Disney

Fuck Plastic Bottles: 3 New Studies Confirm Dangers of BPA and Substitutes

Cell Phone Towers Causing Cancer Rates To Soar

7 Reasons To Stop Eating Bread

Studies: what your ear can tell you about your heart health

Fluorides, the Atomic bomb, and a spy - how your ignorant dentists and parents got toothpaste into your mouth

Five alleged and startling government secrets and revelations about the UFO-psi connection

Vaccine fraud is becoming more and more widespread

Beware the new 'Breakthrough' Transgenic Mosquitoes

Global warming data FAKED by government to fit climate change fictions

Shed those unwanted pounds with all-natural coconut oil

Radiation defense breakthrough announced by Health Ranger; affiliate sign-ups now open, product launch imminent

The USSA's Secret Space Program(s) - More About Gary McKinnon, Ben Rich, Deep In The Rabbit Hole


tirsdag den 24. juni 2014

Part Deux: Beyond Cutting Edge - World in Flux II

Another short sample of absolutely wild and truly revolutionary trailblazing news brought to you by 'ChaosNavigator'. Be at the cutting edge and get an overview outside mainstream lamestream (the biggest threat to information and truth) while the internet is still operative! Wow!


Ex-CIA Super Spook: All the preconditions for revolution are now present in the United States and Britain.  The open source revolution is coming and it will conquer the 1% -  The man who trained more than 66 countries in open source methods calls for re-invention of intelligence to re-engineer Earth
Robert Steele - preconditions for revolution

Banned and Prohibited Books in Modern Times - RT's Breaking The Set
An interview with NYU media studies professor, Mark Crispin Miller, about five historical books that have been actively suppressed and hidden from the American public.

Central Banks in Other Countries to Require Biometrics to Bank

TED Talks: The shocking move to criminalize nonviolent protest

What Did the White House Know? Did Obama Know that ISIS Planned to Invade Iraq?
Today’s head-scratcher: How could a two-mile long column of jihadi-filled white Toyota Land rovers barrel across the Syrian border into Iraq–sending plumes of dust up into the atmosphere –without US spy satellites detecting their whereabouts when those same satellites can read a damn license plate from outer space? And why has the media failed to inquire about this massive Intelligence failure? 

Everything We Have Been Taught About Our Origins Is A Lie 
Previous civilizations - more than 400 million years old. Darwinism a pathetic joke! http://www.maltanow.com.mt/?p=2927#sthash.Jp18XvLF.dpuf

The scandal of fiddled global warming data. The US has actually been cooling since the Thirties, the hottest decade on record 

Magnetic Field Weakening --- POLE SHIFT -- announced by ESA 
The Earth's magnetic field, which protects us from radiation from space, is getting weaker. We don't yet know why this is, but new evidence confirms it is happening unevenly across the planet with some areas getting more protection.

VaccineGate: 30 years of Secret Meetings, Conflict of Interests, Dubious Science
Vaccines not only did not save us from disease, but indeed immersed us into it.

85% of measles outbreak victims already received vaccinations

Breakthrough - Cure for Aids, herpes, Hepatitis, and all other viruses. 
 Ha, there are cures which have been suppressed for decades.

Huffington Post: Cannabis Oil Cures 8 Month Old Infant of Cancer, Dissolving Large Inoperable Tumor In 8 Months!

According to Dr. William Courtney, the western medical mind has a very hard if not impossible time trying to understand the diverse actions of Cannabidiol.

Illuminati Human Sacrifice Denver Friday June 20-21 8pm

Cheney: Another 9/11 Coming, But ‘Far Deadlier’


Senators Shocked After Classified Briefing....USA Is To Be Attacked http://thehill.com/policy/defense/210472-gop-senators-alarmed-after-classified-iraq-briefing?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter#ixzz35cDlzUSG



Pesticides linked to honeybee decline are affecting other species, scientists say


Shining More Light On Jesse Ventura’s Disinformation Campaign With Geoengineer Ken Caldeira

US Embassy In Berlin Offering Cold, Hard Cash For People To Create Pro-TAFTA/TTIP Propaganda

DNA from GMOs can pass directly into humans, study confirms

The U.S. Supreme Court Is Marching in Lockstep with the Police State

You can now pee on Barack Obama’s face (and the White House isn’t very happy about it)

Is The Fed Trying To Create A “Bond Run” Panic? Yes… In Its Own Words

Central Banks Are Secretly Buying Up the World's Corporations

Germany's End-the-Fed Organizers Get Car Fire Bombed - Police Won't Investigate!

Uh, oh - Pirate Radio Station for $55 Could Help Decentralize Big-Telecom - The End to Media Monopoly Mindfuck of Your Brain

The Military Now Has X-Ray Guns

We Are What We Eat – The poisoning of our food supply

Advocates of splitting California into six states gathering signatures

Mobile Phone Radiation Confirmed to Damage Cells: Study

The Anatomy of Cyborg Man - Overcoming the Mechanistic Mind

Money is Our God! Tom Simmons Comedy

Exposed: Gov’t Claims Right to Extrajudicial Killing of US Citizen

Israel Launches Air Strikes In Syria

United Nations Seeks US-based Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Specialists

SHOCK Government Contract: Homeland Security Solicited Bids for “Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children” In January

Covert Black Ops - Into the Abyss – Secret Underground And Underwater Bases

Secret Mars Colony in Existence - Wilder Than Philip K. Dick: Total Recall Reality?
Evidence of a Secret Colony on Mars has sparked the interest of UFO Researchers around the world. Recent whistle-blower revelations from President Eisenhower's great granddaughter and others give renewed credence to the evidence that planet Mars is being prepared as a SURVIVAL COLONY in the face of imminent catastrophic events that may decimate the population of planet Earth. This film presence the best evidence available that there is indeed Life on Mars.

Ben Rich Lockheed Skunk Works CEO admitted in his Deathbed Confession that Extraterrestrial UFO visitors are real and the U.S. Military travel among stars.

Now it's also quite interesting to note that Notorious hacker Gary McKinnon mentioned that he came across a list of military personnel under the category "non-terrestrial officers" which could allude to the idea of the military having a presence on other planets. His story would corroborate with Ben rich's claim. Gary mckinnon's testimony was even featured on the msm

Alien Agenda IV: Alien Ultimatum or Final Warning ?
Has a Final Warning been delivered by a benevolent Alien ET group that the Super-elite Oligarchs running Planet Earth must quickly clean house or suffer a Final Judgment/Cosmic Reset?Several top inside sources, including Veterans Today Senior Editor Gordon Duff have claimed that a very serious message was delivered to Super-elite Oligarchs.

Jim Stone's Commentary: Are extra terrestrials issuing warnings to the elite?
Lots of web sites including Veterans Today have made this claim. And I doubt it.
My official view where an alien false flag threat might be used to sucker the people now that everything else has failed is below in the confidential false flag phone call transcript: Confidential False flag phone call transcript

Mass UFO Sighting Over L.A. Captured In HD! Mulitple UFOs June 2014

torsdag den 19. juni 2014

Best Beyond Cutting Edge Versatile News in DK - World in Flux

A short sample of wild and shocking trailblazing developments and news brought to you by 'ChaosNavigator' - written in warpspeed while Fakebook is down/hacked worldwide. Be at the cutting edge and get an overview outside mainstream lamestream (the biggest threat to information and truth) while the internet is still operative! An astute selecton of the moment of the planet and off-planet via some of the world's best trailblazing dissidents, articles, videos, etc. Scroll down - there is also news for the tech geeks and high strangeness! You can just read through the headlines, can't you? Unless Fakebook Attention Deficit Disorder has gotten to you? Well, has it....?

RT's LIVE UPDATES on ISIS offensive in Iraq

IRAN: 'ISIL was created by the U.S. and Israel to increase the security of the Zionist regime in the region'

 RT: All you need to know about ISIS and what is happening in Iraq

RED ALERT: US war doctrine has been changed. US nuclear weapons are no longer restricted to a retaliatory force, but have been elevated to the role of preemptive nuclear attack

All New Android & Windows Phones Will Have ‘Kill Switch’  New power could be used to stifle dissent

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS): An Instrument of the Western Military Alliance

U.S. Military Blocks Infowars.com

54% of respondents agree that the President is no longer fit  -  USA Ready For a New False Flag?http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/wp/2014/06/18/the-single-most-depressing-number-for-president-obama-in-the-nbcwall-street-journal-poll/ 

ISIS militants with US passports?

Cameron: Isis plans to attack Britain

The Fall of Iraq - What You Aren't Being Told

ISIS Terror Group Controlled By Saudi Royal Family

Washington: Iraq Prime Minister Maliki has to go

US Is Backing Both Sides in Iraq - Joaquin

‘Inventing terrorists’: New study reveals FBI set up terrorism-related prosecutions
“The government uses agents provocateur to target individuals who express dissident ideologies and then provides those provocateurs 25 with fake (harmless) missiles, bombs, guns, money, encouragement, friendship, and the technical and strategic planning necessary to see if the targeted individual can be manipulated into planning violent or criminal action,” the report concluded.

And the study itself in PDF:

F-18 Super Hornets patrol desert to track ISIS forces

I$I$: Islamic State of Israel And The States

The Clandestine Reasons for ISIS Taking Over Iraq

The Engineered Destruction and Political Fragmentation of Iraq. Towards the Creation of a US Sponsored Islamist Caliphate

ISIS “Made in USA”. Iraq “Geopolitical Arsonists” Seek to Burn Region

The United States will not accept peace

West Creating Terrorists ISIS in IRAQ: Annie Machon Whistleblower

Libya Coming Full Circle. When A Deemed ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Becomes Reality

Smoking gun proof of “Israeli teen kidnapping” false flag
Mossad Chief predicted “three teens will be kidnapped” one week before it happened

Pentagon preparing for mass civil breakdown

Ukraine keeps Russian Satan Missile despite ban on military ties - world's best strategic weapon

Psycho 'Reality Creators' open 'gates of hell' in Iraq with proxy Jihadis

NeoCon 'reality-creating': Paper published in 1982 by Israeli journalist describes exactly what's going on in Iraq, Syria and across the Middle East

The Glories of America’s Wars: “Made in Hollywood” by the Pentagon’s Propaganda Machine


Western media doing Kiev’s job in hiding its ‘fascist allegiances’

US citizens to be guinea pigs for GMO banana experiments

New UK Cyberterrorism Law May Jail Hackers For Life

Giant 3D printer creates 10 full-sized houses in a DAY

RT - 5.4 Million Dead in Conflict Mineral Wars to Put an iPhone in Your Hands 

Record number of expatriates renounce U.S. citizenship

‘100% aimed action’: Ukraine military shelled refugees, Russian journalists, survivor says

U.S. food prices rising 367% faster than inflation; chemical agriculture headed for catastrophic failure

Fourth Turning Accelerating - most read on the activist web http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/06/fourth-turning-accelerating.html 

Pope Francis joins effort to warn world about impending global economic collapse

How the American Dream Died | Brainwash Update RT

‘Riot Control’ Drone To Shoot Pepper Spray Bullets At Protesters‘A drone that is capable of firing 400 rounds of pepper spray and paint balls, as well as employing “blinding lasers” and loudspeakers

DARPA Brain Chips to Implant False Memories


Free Energy Secrets Exposed

37 Of The Most Powerful Photos Ever Taken

Newly Found Megalithic Ruins In Russia Contain The Largest Blocks Of Stone EVER Discovered

New Breathalyzer being developed - police can tell if you're drunk just by pointing a laser at you!

Plastic Ocean: The “Great Pacific Garbage Patch” -  larger than the entire continental United States.

One Of The Largest Nuclear Cleanups Is Going On Right Now In The US


Spain’s People Govern Themselves In The State’s Absence

Frozen underworld discovered beneath Greenland ice sheet

Cell phone radiation - is your cell phone killing your sperm?

15 Plants & Herbs That Can Boost Lung Health, Heal Respiratory Infections & Repair Pulmonary Damage

The Lancet: Fluoride IS a Neurotoxin!

Citrus Growers Manufacture Huge Amounts of DMT
It may surprise you to learn that common citrus trees like oranges and lemons are actually Schedule I substances, in the same legal category as heroin. I know it sounds absurd, but it is absolutely true.

Stingray, the fake cell phone tower cops and carriers use to track your every move

Folding Space -Star Trek Warp Drive Could Really Enable Interstellar Travel

Electromagnetic Safety: How Cell Phone Radiation is Causing Harm

ChargeAll: A portable battery pack with a 120V AC wall plug outlet, so you can power all your things


Mystery bangs and shaking in Auckland

Strange boom, flashes of light reported northwest of Toronto

How the use of language can reveal the psychopath

Psychopathy: An important forensic concept for the 21st century


What happens when a Cat and a Lynx meet at the Zoo?

Protecting Your Energy

The Past and Future of Drones in the U.S. (w/Infographic) http://www.activistpost.com/2014/06/the-past-and-future-of-drones-in-us.html

Creating A World Without Money: Sharehaus Berlin

Kickstart An Aerial Drone That Films And Follows You

11 million Germans Were Murdered After WWII?

$40-billion missile defense system proves unreliable

Dramatic moment RAF scrambled fighter jets after 'multiple' Russian planes were spotted in Baltic airspace
(NOT normal - full bombing force)

Sandy Hook Redux: Obama officials confirm that it was a drill and no children died

Vinny Eastwood Show: Psychopath Roundtable – Thomas Sheridan, James Corbett, Jay Weidner

Roundup Herbicide Dismantled in 3 Minutes


California Measles: 85% of Those Contracting It Are Fully Vaccinated

Study Finds Evidence for CDC Cover-Up of Link Between Autism and Mercury In Vaccines

Inventors Say Their “Bodyguard Blanket” Can Protect Children From Tornadoes And 9mm Bullets


10 Scientific Ideas That Scientists Wish You Would Stop Misusing

What a Shaman Sees in A Mental Hospital

Scientists discover an ocean 400 miles beneath our feet that could fill our oceans three times over


Herbs and foods that kill superbugs

Kiev plans to close border with Russia: Moscow expects explanation
UPDATE: Ukrainian Parliament approved a decree about total closure of the border with Russia.

The Truthseeker - NATO's Secret Terror 'Gladio' army in Ukraine (E41)

Germany is NSA’s primary host of surveillance architecture in Europe – report

Nick Redfern on 'Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind'

Why mysterious UFO-like lights glow in Hessdalen, Norway


Think about yourself in the third person: Detachment from problems helps deal with trauma

European royals killing naked children for fun at human hunting parties

The Real Reason They Killed Gaddafi

Europe Bans American Apples – Too Toxic to Eat

Are Human Beings Alien to Planet Earth?


Army spied on activist's meetings in their homes, call civil disobedience terrorism

The Bitter End Of The Savings Account

25 Shocking Facts About The Earth’s Dwindling Water Resources

Fukushima USA! - Gov't Hiding Serious Radiation Danger

fredag den 6. juni 2014

D-Day and Who Won The War

by morton_h, the blogger

Power and killings seem to provide certain
indiviuals with a kind of erotic experience
Omaha Beach, June 6, 1944, Normandy coast. Is there such a thing by this name? It was just a code name like 'Operation Overlord'. For there is no site on the Normandy coast, carrying an Indian name from Nebraska, United States, a state with no beaches.

[scroll ned for at læse på dansk]

The second code name tells much more about the real purpose of WW2. It was all about the gaining of supremacy, beeing the Over Lords, a status enjoyed by the British Empire before WW1, once again enjoyed at provoking this socalled ‘Great War’ - just listen to that word! - afterwards escaping prosecution by smearing it onto Germany, where the Impere and its American branch, its naughty little brother, who tried to free itself, but was brought back into the fold again through cunning infiltration, elitist lobbying, deceptive demagogy, democratic embezzlement, false flags, corruption and manipulation ... now wanted to consolidate once and for all.

Germany was once again smashed and torn after having itself done the dirty works for the Impire smashing and dividing Europe and making the continent perforated like a sponge towards 'the Overlords', of the Empire Of Envy. But there was still much that went wrong. Russia, for example, was not smashed according to plan. Hitler and Stalin were to destroy each other according to the plan, so that the two main enemies as declared by the British Empire before and during WW1 would disappear from the face of the earth and leave it to the British. But it did not happen. Hence the Cold War, the unfinished WW2.

And it is the same embarrassing and disgusting spectacle we see right now with the updated and never ending Empire trying to revive the Cold War in Syria and Ukraine and elsewhere using their usual one-trick-pony-strategies: propaganda, false flags, lies and political demonizings, briberies, use of street Fascists and Nazis - once again presenting themselves as the brave defenders of justice. Remember still that Wall Street funded both the Nazis and the Communists according to Prof. Anthony Sutton's never refuted and highly neglected investigations from the 70’ties. The story of WW1, the Russian Revolution and WW2 is a fake story.

It is in this context that we must see the hype that goes on today on D-Day. It is part of the ongoing and currently shrill and hypocritical war propaganda. We get waved in our faces with the whole symbolism and all the tearful, emotional pictures and statements. Why? Because they god-damn-it is embarking on a new round!

The little stupid State Of Denmark, where something according to the poet is terribly wrong, is wagging its tail in the company's stores at this very moment. Let us turn the clock a bit backwards and commemorate another event, which subsequently became rather difficult to sell as glorious: the Iraq War. Lying and deception and corruption bristled on all sides. The then Prime Minister, now international war minister and general secretary of NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, abused historiography as a basis for legitimizing this in alle aspects dirty war. His eagerness to pander to the big boys was outspoken, and he was then already striving for his current job. He would do anything to please his idols, the war criminals Bush and Blair. Like them he lied to the teeth on the subject of weapons of mass destruction, and he put Denmark in the unbearable situation as part of an aggression pact. NATO is no longer a defence pact or a non-aggression pact. It has transcended into something much more sinister.

We cover us today behind the large, temporary victors. Fogh Rasmussen abused, twisted and forged the story of the German occupation in WW2. He politicized historical facts to create fear, shame, guilt and hatred.

Did the Danes prefer to be occupied by the Germans? Of course not. But were we as a nation without any guilt in this matter? That’s another question. Could we just have marched up at the border and prevented an invasion? Should we have allowed ourselves to be slaughtered for symbolic reasons? Fogh Rasmussen’s statements at that time in 2003 in the ugly times of political- and media preparation for the Iraq war was far out in the swamps of reason. They were nothing but populism meant to score cheap points. They were the scheming of a cynical politician who did not shun any means to achieve his sinister goals: to get personal professional orgasm by participating in acts of violence in company with the big boys - accompanied by the agitating smell of power and blood.

In the same period severe hints and mental attacks were delivered to the Danish intellectuals by proclaiming them 'tasters'. So: they should not come and teach the leaders of the State about what could or even should be uttered about reality. Historians reacted at the time of Fogh-Rasmussens attempts at falsification of the Danish history, but they were all under the table told by threats that they should not try to put fourth their expertise and competence, and if ... well then ... All were cowed and bullied in the post-9/11-era. And academics were then as always totally easy to cow, for they are cow-scared of losing their jobs, careers and the opportunity to pay off their huge student loans and most of all: to be pushed out of the good company of academic brotherhood, which is at threat similar the the threat of life.

Some Danes this day are striving to falsify history and proclaim Denmark as part of the victorious allies. Former Secretary of Internal Affairs, Marianne Jelved, wants a museum dedicated the Danish efforts as an ally! Sorry, silly cow! but Denmark just never were allies! We were neutral before the war, and then we were occupied. This is by no means the same as being an ‘ally', and those who claim otherwise are falsifiers of World History.

Certainly there was resistance in Denmark, right from the start, and we do not forget that. When the Norwegians have had too much to drink and want boast - which Norwegians love to do - they will brag about the sinking of a warship in the Oslo Fjord and at the same time claim that the Danes just let the Germans march through the country, while those of the heroic Norwegians went to actual war. Nonsense. What they just forget to tell was that there was more than one Quisling (Nazi lover) in Norway and that the Norwegians after the incident in the Oslo Fjord begged the Germans on their knees for the same conditions, that the Danes had achieved with Secretary of State, Erik Scavenius, the star diplomate, who knew the Germans in and out, had negotiated for. But the Norwegians at that time had burned their chance after the the incident in the fjord. There is much to be forgotten when history of the war is told and dishonor is repaired.

Denmark was overrun, so to say, for the second time by the Prussians. 1864 was still in a killing mood of the nation. We also forget here that the Danes made an arrogant assault during the First Schleswig War (1850-53) by fomenting civil war in northern Germany. 15 years later we made hubris by arrogantly insulting and provoking the German Emperor, who then just humiliated and devastated the haughty representatives of German low gentry north of the border. The river Eider became the Limfjord and then the Kongeå.

Sorry, for English readers: the slogan of the First Schlesswig War was ‘Denmark to the Eider’, which was just petty Danish Imperialism. Bismarck mocked the statement in the Second Schlesswig War in 1864 by sending his troops to Limfjorden in the north of Jutland just for at show, and then withdrawing to Kongeåen, a river in the lower middle of Jutland. So a big part of Denmark was German untill 1920. Denmark was severely punished for its arrogance and deeply humiliated/traumatized. Seen from that point of view, we almost - I say almost! - deserved the German occupation in 1940.

Certainly there were Danish sailors and ships that made themselves available to the Allies i WW2. A lot of ships were abroad at the 9th of april 1940 and chose not to return. This should be recognized for sure.

But in the opinion of the blogger there should either be organized a whole week seminar for the ignorant Danish politicians, where they would have a sharp brush-up on the history hours from high school, or better yet: let the politicians exhibit their foolish ignorance of Danish and World History and let the Danish People get into the Geopolitical Classroom and get things in place. Then politicians and media people can no longer get away with lying in our faces in order to start their ugly wars-of-profit-and-lies.

D-dag og krigens sejrherrer

Omaha Beach, 6. juni 1944, Normandiets kyst. Er der overhovedet en strand, der hedder Omaha? Overhovedet ikke. Det var bare et kodenavn ligesom 'Operation Overlord'. For der findes ingen lokalitet ved Normandiets kyst, der bærer et indiansk navn fra Nebraska, USA, en stat uden kyster.

Det andet kodenavn fortæller langt mere om, hvad formålet med WW2 var. Det drejede sig om det overherredømme, som Det Britiske Imperium havde nydt før WW1, som de nød ved at fremprovokere en verdenskrig og slippe for tiltale ved at smøre den af på Tyskland, og som de og deres amerikanske filial, den uartige lillebror, der forsøgte at gøre sig fri, men som blev hentet tilbage i folden igen via snedig infiltration, elitær lobbyvirksomhed, bedragerisk folkeforførelse, demokratisk underslæb, falske flag, bestikkelse og manipulation nu ønskede at nyde én gang for alle.

Tyskland blev endnu engang smadret og splittet efter først at have gjort det beskidte arbejde selv at smadre og splitte Europa og gøre det hullet som en svamp overfor 'the Overlords', Misundelsens Imperium. Men der var alligevel meget, der gik galt. Rusland blev fx. ikke smadret ifølge planen. Hitler og Stalin skulle udradere hinanden, så det Britiske Imperiums to erklærede hovedfjender fra før og under WW1 kunne forsvinde fra jordens overflade og overlade den til briterne. Men det skete ikke. Heraf den Kolde Krig, som er den uafsluttede WW2. 

Og videre heraf det pinlige og ulækre skuespil vi ser lige nu, hvor det afdankende imperium forsøger at genoplive den Kolde Krig og starte WW3 med deres sædvanlige one-trick-pony-midler: propaganda, falske flag, løgne og politiske dæmoniseringer, bestikkelser, brug af gadefascister/-nazister, finansiel og fysiks terrorisme. Og endnu en gang fremstiller de sig selv som retfærdighedens forkæmpere. Husk stadig, at Wall Street finansierede både nazisterne og kommunisterne (prof. Anthony Sutton). Historien om WW1, den russiske revolution og WW2 er en forfalsket historie.

Det er i den forbindelse, at vi skal se det hype, der foregår i dag om D-Dag. Det er en del af den løbende og for tiden skingre og hykleriske krigspropaganda. Vi bliver viftet for næsen med hele symbolikken og alle de tårepersende, emotionelle billeder og udsagn. Hvorfor? Fordi de saftsuseme er i gang med en ny runde!

Lille dumme Danmark logrer med halen i de stores selskab for tiden. Lad os skrue tiden en smule tilbage og mindes en anden begivenhed, der efterfølgende blev temmelig svær at sælge som glorværdig: Irakkrigen. Løgn og bedrag og korruption struttede til alle sider. Daværende statsminister, nu international krigsminister og krigsforbryder, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, misbrugte historieskrivningen som afsæt for en legitimering af denne beskidte krig. Hans iver for at lefle for de store var udtalt, han gik allerede dengang efter sit nuværende job. Han ville gøre alt for at tækkes sine idoler, de endnu større krigsforbrydere Bush og Blair. Han løj, så vandet drev om masseødelæggelsesvåben og bragte Danmark i den ubærlige situation som del af en angrebspagt mod forsvarsløse nationer, som vi aldrig, gentager ALDRIG har haft noget udestående med blot for at fremme en personlig karriere.

Vi dækker os i dag bag de store, de midlertidige sejrherrer. Fogh Rasmussen misbrugte-gradbøjede-forfalskede dengang historien om besættelsen. Han politiserede historiske facts for at skabe frygt, skam, skyld og had. Hvordan så eftertiden på nazi-kollaboratører? Hvordan vil eftertiden se på Danmark og danske karrierepolitikere som imperialist-kollaboratører?

Ønskede danskerne at blive besat af tyskerne? Var vi små forfulgte uskyldigheder? Kunne vi bare have stillet sig op ved grænsen og forhindret en invasion? Skulle vi have ladet sig slagte af symbolske årsager? Fogh-Rasmussen udsagn dengang i 2003 under optakten og medieforberedelsen til Irakkrigen var langt ude i hampen, de var ikke andet end klam populisme beregnet på at score billige points. De var kunstgreb fra en kynisk politiker, der ikke skyede midler for at opnå sine skumle mål: at få personlig professionel orgasme ved at deltage i voldshandlinger i selskab med de store drenge. Lugten af magt og blod.

I samme periode blev der vinket med vognstænger til de danske intellektuelle ved at udråbe dem til 'smagsdommere'. Altså: de skulle ikke komme og belære ham om, hvad man kunne eller måske endda burde mene om virkeligheden udfra fagligt kvalificerede forudsætninger. Egentlig substans er altid i vejen for populister af den skuffe, hvor den 'ædle løgn' regnes for legitimt. Historikere reagerede dengang på hans forsøg på historieforfalskning, men de fik altså her under bordet at vide, at de ikke skulle prøve på at bringe deres ekspertise og kompetence på banen, for så ... ja så ... Alle blev kuet og kujoneret i post-9/11-æraen, for de var jo selve essensen af det arrangement. Akademikere er i virkeligheden totalt nemme at kujonere, for de er hunderædde for at miste deres job, karriere og mulighed for at betale deres ofte enorme studiegæld tilbage. Og de er virkelig bange for at blive skubbet ud af det akademiske broderskab.

Visse danskere vil i dag gerne forfalske historien og udråbe Danmark som en del af de sejrrige allierede. Marianne Jelved vil have et museum for den danske indsats som allieret! Undskyld, fjols, men det var vi bare aldrig! Vi var neutrale før krigen, og så blev vi besat. Det er på ingen måde det samme som at være 'allieret'. 

Javist var der modstandskamp i Danmark, og det lige fra starten af. Når nordmænd har fået for meget at drikke og skal blære sig, så praler de af, at de sænkede et krigsskib i Oslofjorden og hævder, at danskerne bare lod tyskerne marchere gennem landet, mens de, de heltemodige nordmænd gik i krig. Hvad de lige glemmer at fortælle var, at der mere end én Quisling i Norge og at heltene efter hændelsen i Oslofjorden tiggede og bad tyskerne om de samme betingelser, som danskerne snedigt med Erik Scavenius, stjernediplomaten, der kendte tyskerne ud og ind, havde forhandlet sig til. Men nordmændene havde brændt deres chance af efter fjorden. Der er meget, der glemmes, når historien om krigen skal fortælles og vanæren skal repareres. Scavenius blev i øvrigt selv skammeligt anklaget for medløberi efter krigen, fordi folk ikke fattede hans genistreg, hans diplomatiske jiu-jitsu-greb på en overvældende stormagt. At den historiske nullitet, Fogh-Rasmussen, brokkede sig over, at danske soldater ikke bare stillede sig op og nedskyde, er til at brække sig over! Hans såkaldte 'aktivistiske udenrigspolitik' har kostet millioner af mennesker i denne verden livet.

Danmark blev i WW2 så at sige overrendt for anden gang af preusserne. 1864 sad stadig i sulet på nationen. Vi glemmer også her, at danskerne begik et overgreb under den Første Schleswigske Krig ved at anstifte borgerkrig i Nordtyskland. 15 år senere begik vi hybris ved hovmodigt at fornærme og provokere den tyske Kejser, der herefter bare udsplattede de hovne repræsentanter for tysk lavadel nord for grænsen. Ejderen blev til Limfjorden og derefter til Kongeåen. Så var vi små uskyldige forfulgtheder?

Javist var der danske søfolk og skibe, der stillede sig til rådighed for de allierede. Forsvarsministeriet praler af, at der var 6000, men historikerne modererer det til ca. 1200. Der burde arrangeres et Danmarks- og Verdenshistorisk ugeseminar for uvidende politikere, hvor de fik et kraftigt brush-up på deres historietimer fra gymnasiet. Eller endnu bedre: lad politikerne udstille deres tåbelige uvidenhed om verdenshistorien og lad os som befolkning sætte os i det Geopolitiske Klasseværelse og få tingene på plads. 

Så kan politikere og mediefolk ikke længere slippe af sted med lyve os op i ansigtet for at starte deres forbandede krige.